Care for life

The NPV-Care for life is a Dutch Christian organization with 50.000 members. The activities of the NPV are divided in three pillars:

  1. Policy advocacy
  2. (Personal) advice and support,
  3. Home care provided by volunteers.

Advice & Support

During the course of life, several medical ethical issues might arise about which you have to make decisions. The NPV has developed several brochures on for example vaccination, health checks and DNA modification. These brochures provide insight in the arguments concerning the related ethical and personal issues.

Another way of helping with making personal choices is the development of decision aids (in Dutch) about the prenatal 20-week scan, the use of contraception, organ donation and thinking about the end of life. By answering questions about a specific theme and its ethical dilemmas, people are helped to organize their thoughts and feelings in order to make a personal decision.

Sometimes you might have more complex situations with difficult personal questions. In that case the NPV also can provide personal advice. For advice you may contact us by phone, e-mail or chat.
Besides support in personal decision-making about ethical themes, the NPV also gives presentations and workshops in churches and for health care providers about different ethical themes such as organ donation, reanimation, abortion, end-of-life care.

Do you want more information?

For more information about our mission, our plans and our results, see:

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